GBP 222.00

SEP 21 - OCT 27 2024

The fire of transformation


4 Weeks | Each Sunday | Live + Recorded | Online

UK 7 - 8.30pm

{Click here to convert start time for your timezone}

Āgni is the fire of transformation and this module is all about stoking that fire through yogic lifestyle, diet and ritual.

Also known as Dinacharya, this Ayurvedic approach to honouring your body creates a sweet sense of homeostasis, harmony and bliss. It prepares the body for a deepening into sādhanā and facilitates optimum cellular transformation, integration and processing.

We begin on the Equinox with a 10 day cleanse and Lakshmi sādhanā, ending in Navarartri, with Durga.


SEP 21 - OCT 27 2024

The fire of transformation


4 Weeks | Each Sunday | Live + Recorded | Online

UK 7 - 8.30pm

{Click here to convert start time for your timezone}

Āgni is the fire of transformation and this module is all about stoking that fire through yogic lifestyle, diet and ritual.

Also known as Dinacharya, this Ayurvedic approach to honouring your body creates a sweet sense of homeostasis, harmony and bliss. It prepares the body for a deepening into sādhanā and facilitates optimum cellular transformation, integration and processing.

We begin on the Equinox with a 10 day cleanse and Lakshmi sādhanā, ending in Navarartri, with Durga.